Industrial partnership/services

Data originating from analytical, bio-analytical, medical and chemical processes become larger and larger and are increasingly complex and difficult to interpret. Consequently, data analysis forms often the bottleneck for exploiting the full information content and for optimizing e.g. an industrial process.
Chemometrics is a discipline that can facilitate this interpretation or assist in this task (see also the definition of Chemometrics on our homepage).

For the interpretation of data and use of chemometrical techniques, (some) expertise on chemometrics is required. We can assist in obtaining this expertise and in the analysis of data.

Our department offers a broad range of services to the industry:

Our knowledge and experience in the field of chemometrics has already been successfully applied in many collaborations with industrial partners and in the framework of EC projects.
Most of the collaborations and projects are located within the currect research fields of the department:

Our expertise is broader than this list and being a partner of VICIM BV we can offer access to an unequalled source of of knowledge and competence in chemometrics and metrology. VICIM is a network of excellence in chemometrics, which comprises currently 6 centers from all over Europe and offers an extensive knowledge covering all fields of chemometrics and metrology. It provides a broad range of services to the industrial community.

For more informations about our offers, or an appointment, you can contact our secretary, Brigitte Loozen.


Toernooiveld 1
6525 ED Nijmegen
the Netherlands

tel: +31 24 365 3180
fax: +31 24 365 2653

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